תפריט ראשי

Socket preservation procedure



The bone that surrounds the tooth also called the socket is often damaged by disease, infection, or extraction that leads to deformity of the jaw. Moreover, when teeth are removed it results in surrounding bone and gums shrinkage which eventually will cause a collapse appearance of the lips, and cheeks.


The jawbone defects can cause major issues while performing dental implants, bridges or dentures. Jaw defects from tooth removal can be prevented by a surgical technique called socket preservation. Socket preservation can enhance the patient's smile and increase the chances of performing dental implants in the future.


Several methods can be used to preserve bone and reduce bone loss after an extraction. Most often, when the tooth is extracted Dr.Kablan will fill the socket with allograft bone. It is then covered with gingival tissue, a membrane, or free fat tissue to stimulate the patient's body to generate bone in the socket. With this technique, we are preventing the socket from collapse and shrinkage. The new bone in the socket will provide a base for a dental implant.

Socket preservation procedure







