תפריט ראשי

Dental Implants




The dental implant procedure

The technique to put a dental implant takes 30 minutes for a single implant and simply 2 for several implants placement. In general, the time required may change from one patient to another. Dr.Kablan will discuss the details of your case in the first appointment.

On the surgery day, you may be asked to take antibiotics. These options will be discussed prior to your surgery. Local anesthesia will be given by the surgeon to numb the region where the dental implants will be put.


At the point when you are numbed, Dr.Kablan makes a little cut in the gum tissue to uncover the bone, makes space with special surgical instruments, and then he inserts the dental implants. The highest point of this implant is usually can be seen through the gingiva. Sometimes, Dr.Kablan may decide to cover the top of the implant with the gum tissue to get better healing.



Healing After Dental Implant Procedure

During the healing process. The time of healing varies from one individual to another, it is greatly affected by the persons' quality and amount of bone. Sometimes, dental implants might be restored at the same day of the surgery. Dr.Kablan will advise you on follow-up prosthesis and timing. After the first stage of healing, the surgeon may place an abutment onto the implant which permits gum tissue to develop and gives access to the implant.

Sometimes, impressions are made at the time the implant is inserted. This enables the crown to be prepared for insertion in the follow-up visit after the initial healing. How long your mouth needs to heal is controlled by several elements. A follow-up appointment is important to guarantee that your mouth is healing appropriately and to decide when you are prepared for the prosthodontic procedure.


It could be helpful to obtain a soft tissue graft to acquire natural gum around the implants. This procedure includes moving a modest quantity of gum tissue from one piece of your mouth to the space around the implant. Usually, it's an easy and comfortable process.

Regardless of whether it's one tooth or the entirety of your teeth that are being replaced by dental implants, your prosthodontist will finish the functional and esthetic rehabilitation by fitting the crown to the implant.




Dental Implants



Tooth Replacement Options



Fixed Bridge
Fixed Bridge




Metal Partial
Metal Partial




Dental Implants
Dental Implants





How many implants do I need?
Most often, one dental implant per missing tooth is placed. Since molars tend to have two to three roots, it's common to replace the area of the molars with larger implants or sometimes two implants per tooth.



Dental implants are usually placed few months after teeth extraction. Sometimes, an implant may be placed at the same appointment of extraction. This may simplify the procedure there is no need to wait for several months to do the implant. When the extracted teeth are associated with infection, the immediate implant is not the best treatment.


If your tooth has been lost for some time, the adjacent bone is will be thinner and shrink. This is because of the fact that natural tooth roots stimulate bone growth.


According to the literature, almost one-third of your jaw’s bone thickness can be lost in the year after tooth extraction. If you are missing enough bone, Dr.Kablan may add a bone grafting procedure to your treatment plan. This ensures the implant will be adequately supported by bone when it is placed.








